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3 Matcha Teas and What They Can Do for You

Photo by dungthuyvunguyen on Pixabay

Matcha tea has many benefits. Some of the best parts of matcha tea are experienced throughout the entire brewing and drinking process. In addition to a strong presence throughout history, matcha is growing increasingly popular due to its variety and versatility. Enjoy these three matcha teas that make a great addition to your daily tea consumption.

Rooibos Matcha

Rooibos matcha has so many amazing qualities. Besides a delicious taste and texture, this tea can help prevent disease and slow oxidation within the body. The powerful antioxidant properties mean that this tea not only makes you feel great on the inside but can also help the complexion of your skin. Oxidants prematurely age your body, so fighting them with every available tool you have is a wise choice. Rooibos matcha also has the added benefit of being naturally caffeine free. This means you can enjoy the positive effects of matcha without the caffeine jolt.

Green Matcha

Green matcha powder is what many people think of when they hear the word “matcha.” One use for green matcha powder is the brewing and enjoying of this mellow tea during traditional tea ceremonies. In Japan, tea service and the brewing process is a sacred tradition. The ceremonies call for only the best matcha from plants raised in ideal conditions. You can enjoy a little bit of the ceremony yourself by brewing your tea with a bamboo matcha tea whisk.

White Matcha

Matcha that is white is sourced from Kenya in very high altitudes. This tea is crammed with antioxidants naturally and has a wonderful flavor. White matcha is typically hand-ground and made without any additives or preservatives. Drinking tea that has little to no preservatives will help keep you hydrated and give you all the benefits of matcha. This matcha carries a punch of energy that will help you feel awake and alert.

Once you know about all the benefits of drinking matcha tea, it's not surprising that this tea powder is showing up more and more in cafes and dessert shops all over the world. If you’re looking for your next flavor of matcha to experiment with, visit Culinary Teas online or at a retailer near you. The matcha tea blends available from Culinary Teas are high-quality and expertly sourced for each and every batch. Whether it’s a custom batch or a new flavor combo, Culinary Teas can help make your tea dreams come true. Shop for your new favorite matcha tea today.