Whole leaves give more aromatic and full bodies liquor, broken leaves tea result in robust, darker and less complex tea.
In Darjeeling the most important is the number of buds ( pekoes). The more buds it contains the more letters appears in the name. In our collection we have finest Darjeelings of superior grades.

FTGFOP : Finest Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe - it is Margaret's Hope 2nd flush and Darjeeling Castelton 2nd Flush. This tea has a delicate tending astringent cup with the distinctive Muscatel character with a hints of black currant. The 2nd flush means the time if harvesting. 2nd flus is harvested in June when the taste is fully developed. Our other Darjeelings are TGFOP: Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe Darjeeling MIM 2nd flush and Darjeeling Tukdah.
Tippy - the number of flower buds
Golden - the color of leaves after oxidation
Flowery - the flower aroma that leaves release
Orange - the historic reference to Dutch royal family Orange- Nissau. Dutch were the first to import tea to Europe.
Pekoe- comes from Chinese " white down" . It refers to the tip of the branch and new leaves that are covered with white down like hairs of new born babies.
The distinctive character of all Darjeeling is a Muscatel character and wine-like taste. The name of the tea refers to the estate of growing. The true tea lovers can do a comparative tasting to distinguish and enjoy the finest difference in taste, hints etc. It is a very satisfying experience.