Lapsang Souchong is an unusual and unique tea known for its smoky character and its ruby red color in the cup. Drinkers first discovering this tea have
compared its flavor to the aroma of pine smoke or fine tobacco. It is not for everyone!
This tea was a favorite of Winston Churchill, who may have compared the character of Lapsang Souchong to his preferred Cuban cigars, of which he smoked up to ten a day. Finding a photograph of Churchill without his ever-present cigar is almost impossible.
Tea drinkers nostalgic for the memory of smoked delicacies, fragrant tobacco, or a campfire will enjoy this tea, which also has overtones of ginger, dried pears, walnuts, cinnamon, and caramel.
Another tea akin to Lapsang Souchong is our Russian Caravan Tea. Similar smoky notes.