Matcha Hangover Tea!

What can help after a party and overindulgence with alcohol?  Matcha hangover tea! 
It is not a joke, matcha for hangover really works!
Alcohol kicks off free radicals.  We all know overuse of alcohol can damage the liver.
Hangovers are due to the chemical reaction that occurs in the brain after consuming too much alcohol. 
Matcha, a green tea powder, has more antioxidants that any other teas. Antioxidants protect the brain from neuro-chemical reaction and help to clean out the liver from toxins.
It is better to drink a cup of Matcha before the party and after.
There are three ways to help the next day:
1) A shot of Matcha - Use a spoonful of Matcha spoon of green tea powder in a half cup of water. It concentrated, astringent, but quite pleasant. It is mostly taken as a medicine, not as a tea.

2) A drink of Matcha.  Lemonade, ice, and a spoonful of Matcha.  Be sure to shake up the mixture vigorously, e.g. with our Mini Matcha Whisk Ball in our Tumbler.  

3) Matcha Healing Smoothie
2 cups of water
1 mango or 1 pear
piece of fresh ginger
1-2 table spoons of lemon juice
1-2 teaspoons of Matcha
1 cup of greens (spinach or kale)
Ice - optional
Banana or honey to sweeten the taste.

Blend everything and pour the mix into a mason jar. Refrigerate. Enjoy through the day! You will feel the relief.